Today, Azerbaijan takes an active position in ensuring global energy and environmental security, as well as in developing strategic mechanisms…
Ancaq iqlim dəyişikliyi, həddindən artıq balıq ovu və plastik çirklənmə okeanımızı məhv edir. İndi isə bu valehedici sualtı dünya başqa…
Tender AnnouncementProject Name: Strengthening Citizen Participation in AzerbaijanProject Number:: 21.2235.6-007.00Ladies and Gentlemen,On behalf of the Federal Government of Germany, Deutsche…
Countries must present arguments about their obligations to protect people and ecosystems from climate change, and what the consequences should…
Baku, Azerbaijan (23 November) According WWF Press Center while COP29 is still ongoing and the final outcome is still uncertain,…
In accordance with the «Nature and Biodiversity» thematic program of the COP29 held in Baku on November 21, IDEA, the…
Today, the Azerbaijani office of the World Wild Fund (WWF) and the international office of WWF organized a media tour…
«Holding the COP29 event in our country in 2024 forms important priorities for us. The holding of COP29 in Azerbaijan…
Oktyabrın 30-da Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyinin təşəbbüsü, “EkoSfera” Ekoloji-Sosial Mərkəz İctimai Birliyi və Respublika Uşaq-Gənclər İnkişaf Mərkəzinin təşkilatçılığı ilə “COP29 Simulyasiyası…