17th Annual International PR Research. «PR in a more transparent age»

IPRRC has become one of the top venues for presentation of new public relations research and for interaction among scholars and professionals. The prizes for 2014 and ongoing deadlines for authors whose abstracts have been accepted can be found in theCall for Papers.

This conference is distinctly different from other conferences in that initial paper acceptance is based on a one-page abstract submitted for competitive consideration. All abstracts are peer reviewed. Abstracts can include either completed research or research in-progress. All abstracts must be submitted by e-mail as attachments with all authors clearly identified by name and affiliation on the abstract; author contact information must be included in the e-mail. Abstracts should be submitted as Microsoft Word files. Because this conference attempts to integrate academic with professional research projects and professionals attend, all papers and presentations should include a practical orientation or address how its subject will affect the practice of public relations.

Given the enormous popularity of this conference within both the academic and practitioner communities, the increasingly large number of papers submitted for consideration each year, and the huge workload involved in reading and judging many abstracts, it has become necessary for the organizing committee to restrict authors to no more than two abstract submissions. This restriction includes sole-authored and multiple-authored papers. There are two categories for submission—one forcompleted research and one for research in-progress. Please indicate the category you are submitting in on each abstract. Programming preference will be given to completed research or pedagogical papers.

Completed papers for accepted abstracts (for completed research, and draft papers for research in-progress) must be submitted before the conference and may be submitted for inclusion in a non-copyrighted conference proceeding available through the IPRRC and the Institute for Public Relations Web sites after the conference. All award-winning papers must be submitted for the proceedings. For last year’s proceedings please visit:http://iprrc.org/docs/IPRRC_16_Proceedings.pdf.

Please send abstracts and full papers to Zongchao Cathy Li, Conference Co-Coordinator, School of Communication, University of Miami, e-mail: [email protected]. Acceptance of an abstract requires that one or all authors will register, present and will participate in the conference. Presenters should refrain from laptop use and read the further guidelines for presentation found on the IPRRC website.

Special rates of $169 per night are available at the Holiday Inn University of Miami, for rooms with king bed or double beds. Make your reservations directly by calling 1-800-HOLIDAY or 305-667-5611. Use the three-letter code «IPP» to receive the discounted rate for the IPRRC group. The deadline for making reservations in the room block is February 9, 2014.

Upon abstract acceptance, authors of research papers will be invited to compete for top paper awards by submitting full papers of no more than 25 pages (inclusive of tables and references) by January 10, 2014. The conference’s competitive papers awards total is $10,500. Accepted papers may be submitted for award consideration in one of several competitions; an open competition program provides for $1,000 awards for the top three papers that address academia to practice questions or concerns; several student paper awards, some specific to an area of research or practice and others are open to any paper authored by students; and special category awards for the top academic/practitioner paper and International ABERJE Award for case studies on South American public relations or corporate communications as well as top paper in ethics.

To make hotel reservations online, please click this link.

Holiday Inn University of Miami
1350 South Dixie Highway (US 1)
Coral Gables, FL 33146

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