ADA University in partnership with the Ministry of Science and
Education of Azerbaijan and Anthology is delighted to announce the
ADA 2023 6th International Education Conference.
The 6th ADA Education Conference is timed to the launch of the ADA
Education Center in Gazakh. This landmark has a symbolic meaning
and continues strong enlightenment traditions in Azerbaijan.
The 6th ADA Education conference is aimed to reflect on the
experience of the consequent waves of enlightenment in our history
from the Gory Teacher Seminary (1876-1918) to Gazakh Teacher
Seminary (1918-1957), from the education reforms in 1990 after the
country gained its independence to the digitalization of education
forced by the recent pandemics.
Enlightenment has been a complex movement addressing the tasks
relevant to a consequent historical period and proposing rather radical
changes in a way we educate and are educated. A digital revolution has
started transforming a way we live, work, access information,
communicate, teach and learn.
Given new trends and developments in digital technologies and
platforms the synergy of transformative power of enlightment and
digitalization would help us in transition from the conventional
education to new avenues of online teaching and learning.
This year the 6th ADA Education conference, being an academic forum
that brings together scholars, policymakers, independent researchers,
educational practitioners and students, highlights the need, in
accordance with its title, to rethink the Enlightenment and Digital
Revolution experience, address the challenges being faced and
contribute to the debates in the educational community.
In line with the areas being under transformation in times of
enlightenment and digitalization, ADA Education Conference is
seeking for submissions related to the following conference topics:
o Teaching and Learning
o Leadership and Educational Institutions
o Assessment and Evaluation
o Life Long Education and Development
o Teaching Resources and Infrastructure
o Vocational Education
o Education Towards Inclusion for All learners
o Education Policy, Research and Finance
The Conference is intended to be broad, encompassing panel
discussions, presentations of research papers and poster sessions that
build on the expansion of the parameters of knowledge production and
educational practice in the process of enlightment and digitalization in
education. Authors presenting at the conference will be awarded with
certificates and get opportunity to have their full papers published in
the conference proceedings.
Criteria for paper submission
Research proposals (both abstracts and full papers at a later stage) are
accepted in Azerbaijani, English and Russian. The length of abstract:
minimum 500 words with three key words.
Important dates and deadlines
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: January 16, 2023
Successful applicants notified: February 17, 2023
Deadline for the submission of full papers: April 26, 2023
Conference Registration Open – April 3, 2023
Deadline for the conference registration: June 12, 2023
Date of Pre-Conference Workshop: June 21, 2023
Date of Conference: June 22 — 23, 2023
Please submit your abstract, using and downloading the abstract
Submission form – English and Azerbaijani versions are available here
by January 16, 2023 to ADA School of Education at [email protected].
(download it, and send back to us after you fill it in or use a form from
the attachment to this letter)
Please include “Abstract for ADA 2023 Education conference – Your
Name” in the subject line of the e-mail.
Abstracts should include the following details: title of paper, full
name(s), affiliation, current position, an email address, and at least 3
keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Abstract
submission must follow all general guidelines (see the links)
put forward by ADA University.
Abstracts and full paper submissions will be evaluated by the
Conference Research Committee, based on originality,
technical/research depth, accuracy and relevance to conference theme.
If an abstract is accepted, author gets notified from ADA, School of
Education and agrees to send full text paper, including results, tables,
figures and references.
Registration for the conference and fees
Submission of your paper or proposal does NOT automatically register
you for the conference itself. Everyone planning to attend the
conference must complete the registration process. Online registration
for the ADA 2023 6th International Education conference will be
available in April 2023 at ADA University Conference webpage
The registration fee is 55 AZN for Azerbaijani citizens/ 80 AZN for
*Included in the registration fee: admission to preconference
workshops and awarding with the participation certificate, conference
sessions, plenaries, daily refreshment breaks, conference booklet etc.
Payment can be made online at,
which will be activated on April 3, 2023 at ADA University Conference
Payment via bank transfer can be made to ADA University AZN bank
Bank account details information can be found in an attachement.
Questions can be directed to ADA University School of Education at
[email protected] or 4373235 (417)